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Medication organisers and dispensers

  • Convenient drug dosing facilitates the work of nurses and provides clarity to the patient. A clearly prescribed dose and the exact time it should be taken can improve the outcome of treatment, as there is no problem in determining how much medication the patient is entitled to. Medicine boxes are a very convenient way to store tablets, medications, dietary supplements, or other medications prescribed by your doctor that should be taken as recommended by your doctor. 

  • The drug can be dosed in different portions - according to the time of day or the whole day at once. Cups and boxes can conveniently hold single or daily doses, trays can provide a longer-term course, or conveniently store medication for multiple patients (in cases where the devices are used in medical facilities). Dosage medication is also useful when the patient is unable to take the medication on their own (it is easy to place it on the nursing table, to color it or to label it) and when the medication is simply needed to take with them, so it is much more convenient than carrying a few different medicine packaging.